Why is the Zinc Flake Coating Important ?
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➲ During the Design of Everything from Mechanical Assemblies to Buildings, Corrosion Protection is a Key Consideration.
➲ Even the Smallest Components, Such as Nuts and Bolts, must be Adequately Protected from Corrosion. Otherwise, the Risk of Compromising the Integrity of the Entire System or Structure.
➲ ZINC FLAKE COATING (GEOMET®) is an Ideal Solution for these Applications.
➲ Because the Film is Extremely Thin-Only about 8 Microns – IT Wont Negatively Affect the Optimal Fit Between Bolts and Nuts
➼ Non – pollution, environmentally responsible GEOMET® is a water-based coating technology completely free from chromium.
➼ Outstanding resistance to the salt spray test and cyclic corrosion test.
➼ Superb resistance to heat and corrosion.
➼ Superior prevention of galvanic corrosion of aluminum.
➼ No concern for hydrogen embrittlement.
➼ Excellent coating properties.
➼ UV Resistance & Fluid Resistance.